
Name: Lily
Sex: Female
Nationality: Nigerian
Age: 10Y
Diagnosis: Autism

Before treatment:
The child was born naturally in the ninth month of gestation and no abnormalities were found during pregnancy and at birth. When she was about one year old she began to crawl. At the age of one and a half she suddenly stopped eating and she only drank a small amount of water. She was taken to the local hospital to see a doctor and have a forced diet. After that she ate more but her appetite was still poor. She began to walk independently at the age of 2 but often walked on her tiptoes. It was definitely diagnosed as "autism" at the age of 3. She did continuous rehabilitation including physical and language training. After rehabilitation treatment the symptoms of the child were not significantly improved. She is currently studying in a school, is hyperactive,  always plays by herself, sometimes she can play with the family but cannot distinguish them. She can complete part of the instructions she is given, has no practical language or eye contact with strangers and she can eat  meat by herself.
Her spirit is normal, she is hyperactive, she needs assistance with food and she eats less, she is unable to control urination or defecation function well and her sleep is good.

Admission PE:
Bp: 95/55mmHg, Hr: 83/min, body temperature: 36.5 degrees. Breathing rate 22/min. height 128cm, weight 28Kg. Nutrition status is not very good, she has an abnormal walking gait and prefers walking on her feet tips. There is no injury or bleeding spots of her skin and mucosa, no blausucht and no throat congestion. The respiratory sounds in both lungs were clear and there was no dry or moist rales. The heart beat is powerful with regular cardiac rhythm and no obvious murmur in the valves. The abdomen was flat and soft, with no masses or tenderness. The liver and spleen were normal and there was no edema of the legs

Nervous System Examination:
Patient was alert, only makes a few meaningless sounds, she could not complete the examinations of memory, comprehension and calculation ability. She refused to cooperate with the doctors examination and when she was angry or scared she will cover her ears. Both pupils were equal in size and round, diameter of 3 mm and the reaction to light was sensitive. She could not cooperate with the eyeball movement examination, is hyperactive and only has few seconds eye contact with strangers. She could understand and perform a few simple commands but could not cooperate with the muscle power examination. The 4 limbs muscle tone were nearly normal. Tendon reflex was normal, the bilateral Hoffmann sign, Palm-jaw reflex and the Babinski sign of both sides were all negative. She could not cooperate with the finger opposite movement, finger to nose test and heel-knee-tibia test examination also. Doctors cannot check the sensory system or the meningeal irritation sign.

After the admission she received 3 nerve regeneration treatments (neural stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells) to repair her damaged nerves, replace dead nerves, nourish nerves, regulate her immune system and improve blood circulation. This was combined with rehabilitation training.     

After 14 days treatment her appetite got better, she ate more, could pay attention longer and the hyperactivity reduced. She could cooperate with the rehabilitation training much better,  could communicate with family better and do many of the simple instructions. Her language ability was improved, she could now say ”mama”, “papa”, “hi”, “yeah ” and other simple words.  

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