* The patient stories published here are all those subject to the patient's consent.

Brisa Mac caddon-Epilepsy-(Argentina)-Posted on August 29th, 2016

Name: Brisa Mac caddon Sex: Female Nationality: Argentine Age: 14 Diagnoses: 1. Cerebral Palsy, secondary epilepsy 2. PEG (postoperative) Date of Admission: June 27th, 2016 Treatment hospital/period: Wu Medical Center/21days Before treatment: Brisa

Avril Buson-Secondary Epilepsy-(Argentina)-Posted on June 20th, 2016

Name: Avril Buson Sex: Female Nationality: Argentine Age: 7 Diagnosis: Chronic Encephalopathy, Secondary Epilepsy Date of Admission: April 25, 2016 Treatment hospital/period: Wu Medical Center/21 days Before treatment: Avrils mother had regular ant


Name: Alan Sex: Male Nationality: British Age: 6 Years Diagnosis: 1. Autism 2. Epilepsy Date of Admission: Feb.19, 2016 Treatment hospital/period: Wu Medical Center/14 days Before treatment: Alan was normal when he was born, but he began to have ep

Ariadna Sofia Zambrano Marcano-Epilepsy-(Venezuelan)-Posted on Dec.4th, 2015

Name: Ariadna Sofia Zambrano Marcano Sex: Female Nationality: Venezuelan Age: 3 Years Diagnosis: 1.Cerebral Palsy 2. Hyperthyroidism 3. Epilepsy Date of Admission: October 16, 2015 Treatment hospital/period: Wu Medical Center/28 days Before treatmen

Seguel Hector Martin-Epilepsy-(Argentina)-Posted on October 13th, 2015

Name: Seguel Hector Martin Sex: Male Nationality: Argentina Age: 20 Years Diagnosis: 1.Cerebral Palsy 2. Hydrocephalus(postop. Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt) 3. Secondary Epilepsy Date of Admission: Aug. 30, 2015 Treatment hospital/period: Wu Medical Ce

Hendrik Pieter Kroonenburg-Epilepsy-(Germany)-Posted on Sept.4th, 2015

Name: Hendrik Pieter Kroonenburg Sex: Male Nationality: Germany Age: 35 Years Diagnosis: 1. Stroke 2. Secondary Epilepsy 3. Hypertension 4. Hyperlipemia Date of Admission: July 21, 2015 Treatment hospital/period: Wu Medical Center/22 days Before tre

Emily-Epilepsy-(Australia)-Update on May 28th, 2016

Name: Emily Sex: Female Country: Australia Age: 13 years Diagnosis: 1. Chronic Encephalopathy (Cerebral Palsy) 2. Epilepsy Date of Admission: June 29th, 2015 Treatment Hospital/Period: Wu Medical Center/28 days Before treatment: Emily was born at 38

Pablo Marcelo Piedrabuena-Epilepsy-(Argentina)-Posted on Aug.4th, 2015

Name: Pablo Marcelo Piedrabuena Sex: Male Country: Argentina Age: 11 years Diagnosis: 1.Cerebral palsy 2. Secondary Epilepsy 3. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection(cured) Date of Admission: June 22th, 2015 Treatment Hospital/Period: Wu Medical Center/2

Bautista-Epilepsy-(Uruguay)-Posted on July 29th, 2015

Name: Bautista Alberdi Garcia Sex: Male Country: Uruguay Age: 5 years Diagnosis: 1. Leukodystrophy 2. Epilepsy 3. Slight Anemia Date of Admission: June 23th, 2015 Treatment Hospital/Period: Wu Medical Center/ 22 days Before treatment: The patient w

Mohamad Al Rashid-Epilepsy-(The Republic of Lebanon)-Posted on Mar.3rd, 2015

Name: Mohamad Al Rashid Sex: Male Country: The Republic of Lebanon Age: 10 years Diagnosis: 1. Epilepsy 2.Cerebral palsy Date: Jan. 31th, 2015 Days Admitted to Hospital: 21 days Before treatment: Mohamad Al Rashid had asphyxia and neonatal septicemi

Tomas Rodriguez-Epilepsy-(Argentina)-Update on July.7th, 2015

Name: Tomas Rodriguez Sex: Male Country: Argentina Age: 15 years Diagnosis: 1.Epilepsy 2. Cerebral Palsy Date: Apr. 10th, 2015 Days Admitted to Hospital: 26 days Before treatment: The patient suffocated when he was born. He was in hospital for 17 da

Alsalamah Ayeshah - Familial progress myoclonic epilepsy (Saudi Arabia) Posted on November 21, 2014

Name: Alsalamah Ayeshah Sex: Female Age: 59 Nationality: Saudi Arabia Diagnoses: 1.Familial progress myoclonic epilepsy 2. Dysfunction of liver 3. Hypertension 2 level, high-risk group Admission Date: 2014-10-23 Treatment time: 21 days Before treatm

Jon Forsse - Secondary epilepsy(Argentina) Posted on October 17, 2014

Name: Jon Forsse Sex: Male Country: Argentina Age: 11 years Diagnoses :1. Sequela of hydrocephalus, Optic atrophy and Secondary epilepsy 2. Upper respiratory tract infection Date: September 08, 2014 Days Admitted to Hospital: 20 days Before treatmen

Harlen Forya - Epilepsy (Argentina)

Name: Harlen Forya Sex: Female Country: Argentina Age: 9 years Diagnoses: 1. Chronic encephalopathy 2. Epilepsy 3. Microcytic hypochromic anemia Admission Date: 2013-06-21 Days Admitted to the Hospital: 28 days Before treatment: Harlen Forya is a

Sofia Degano - Epilepsy (Argentina)

Name :Sofia Degano Sex: Female Country: Argentina Age: 2 Diagnoses: 1.WEST Syndrome, 2. Congenital heart disease (atrial septal defect) 3. Epilepsy Admission Date: August 10, 2012 Days Admitted to Hospital: 30 days Before treatment: SOFIA is a twin

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